Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cool Japanese Barcodes!

Movie Night


Remind you of anything? Check out the site

Our Respectful Politicians

This is just stupid, and apparently went on for half an hour or so. This was Sat morning before the health care reform vote. Can't we get bailiffs in there or something?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Like Muppets? Like Jamaica? LIke Muppets Singing About Weed in Jamaica?




The article is about underage life sentencing but the 16 year old girl should of been given the medal of honor for what she did; not be sentenced to life imprisonment. Check the casualty here

George Washington - The New Mythos (SNSFW)

I never realized!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Other Scientists Quit Over Nutt

As I mentioned previously,  Dr. Nutt was fired because of his scientific stance on drug classification and harm. Now it turns out that six of his fellow colleagues will resign due to his being fired. Theirs is a view that says "What we say is objective and evidence-based. Sometimes people do not want to hear that" to me that sounds very reminiscent of arguments from the pulpit versus science from ages ago, which, unfortunately still seem to permeate our culture today. Does anyone still believe the Earth is flat? Why do we continue to discredit science and the achievements of science? Why is it so hard to work together for the benefit of all, you know, that greater good crap, instead of fighting for more power?

Friday, October 30, 2009

Ecstasy, Marijauna, LSD better than Alcohol and Cigarettes for Your Health

The Daily Mail in London is reporting that scientific evidence differs from what the government tells the public in regards to illegal drugs.  So it seems that the discussion of drug use and how it is classified is going on other places than just here in the U.S. Wouldn't it be nice to actually have our various government's tell us the truth; if they are still willing to lie about drugs (i.e. - we know that our U.S. presidents have refused to acknowledge the truth regarding the actual effects and harm of cannabis from their own scientifically commissioned studies) to the public why should we believe them about anything else they tell us?

So how long you think before the government fires this guy for his scientifically based views?


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Corrutpion at every level

So, you've probably heard about the cop (story here) who has been indefinitely suspended. What I can't believe is that there is no talk of corruption in this article. So a police officer gives someone a ticket, then essentially loses his job because the person happens to be the Mayor's son. How is it that the Mayor hasn't been fired? How is it that the police officer hasn't gotten his job back? I'm not a fan of cops, basically ever,  but at least he was just doing his job unlike the majority of politician(s) whom we have become used to screwing everyone over that they have no interest in. Basically that means the rest of us, the have-nots, and, believe it or not, the middle class. Shouldn't there be more of an uproar over the simple fact that those in power protect their own versus those that may actually need their help?


This is completely crazy. Apparently some girl in Japan thought that it was possible to do all the Special K around and still survive. My understanding (and experience) is that when/if doing Special K one only needs a little bit in order to feel the desired effects. I mean this amount would be crazy even if it was blow!  And the worst thing about this is that nobody seemed to think that this was a bad idea! I mean REALLY, 50 bucks is not worth dying for!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Nerd Rap

This is a few weeks old at this point but still funny and Community is a pretty funny show. I recommend.                         

Book Review

The Names by Don Delilio

I had high expectations for this book. I initially thought that it was about language and semantics; about travel and murderous cults. To an extend it was all of these things yet the promise of the back flap never delivered. While very well written the story never managed to rise above its own pretentiousness. Every Character delivered the most poignant lines, grand and all-encompassing soliloquies which, in the end, were all for not. The majority of the time I was unable to tell who was who and by the end I could not have cared any less about the story, the characters, or the pointless grandiose writing. For a book with (seemingly) such potential it ended up being nothing more than an exercise of wordy masterbation.

"What" ain't no country I ever heard of! They speak English in "What"?!"


Here comes the Predator!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Scary Rocks, or A Fetishes Dream

I Like This Guy's Philosophy; I Think...

Because How I met Your Mother is Awesomeness

Check out Barney's Blog if you don't get enough of the funny

Who likes ass-cars?

xkcd funny comics


Yup, this about sums it up

Historical Pick-Up Lines

I'm surprised they didn't have one for Mother Teresa

Health Care Jesus

Health Care Jesus, this is to funny and perhaps, a bit enlightening

Step 1: Cut a Hole in a Box

Gonna see if this is doable (haha do-able)