Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Book Review: The Rules Of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis

The Rules of Attraction is a story set in the 80's, and for these kids there are no rules. A small college town full of spoiled rotten rich college kids who have always had everything they could have ever wanted. The story is about wanting nothing, about caring for nothing, a lack of emotions and common sense. I mean when your 18 and have already had and done everything what else is there to do? I guess sit around drinking, doing copious amounts of drugs and fucking anything and anyone whom is willing. And that is just about everyone because everyone is essentially the same. Full of dark humor and wit The Rules of Attraction is an excellent look into the sociological lives of the privileged few. Perhaps this is what happens when Ayn Rand's belief system fails. Perhaps if we are willing to admit to what the rich and to be famous and powerful were doing and willing to do in the 80's then we shouldn't be so surprised by what the college kids (and high school) are up to today. The movie was OK but the casting was horrible and you just miss to much of the grittiness and depravity. Watch American Psycho instead.


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